Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

  • University of Calgary

  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Participation In International Programs

Demdyn: Inria/CNPq Collaboration

Participants : Marin Bertier, Michel Raynal.

The aim of this project is to exploit dependable aspects of dynamic distributed systems such as VANETs, WiMax, Airborn Networks, DoD Global Information Grid, P2P, etc. Applications that run on these kind of networks have a common point: they are extremely dynamic both in terms of the nodes that take part of them and available resources at a given time. Such dynamics results in instability and uncertainty of the environment which provide great challenges for the implementation of dependable mechanisms that ensure the correct work of the system.

This requires applications to be adaptive, for instance, to less network bandwidth or degraded Quality-of-Service (QoS). Ideally, in these highly dynamic scenarios, adaptiveness characteristics of applications should be self-managing or autonomic. Therefore, being able to detect the occurrence of partitions and automatically adapting the applications for such scenarios is an important dependable requirement for such new dynamic environments.